Walk through the playgrounds at Broomwood and you will see huddles of children playing harmoniously together, whether making chalk designs on the paths, kicking a ball or hanging upside down on the climbing frame. What is unusual, is that everywhere you look the groups are composed of mixed ages – older and younger children – choosing to play together rather than sticking with their own cohort.

For the first time this year, Broomwood Boys and Broomwood Girls have welcomed Year 3 children into the prep part of the school. Staff thought carefully about how to make them feel safe and welcome and a new improved ‘buddy’ system was born.  Children moving up from Broomwood Pre-Prep and those joining from other schools were partnered with a pupil about to join Year 8.  The friendship began with a personal postcard towards the end of the summer term, followed by a ‘meet and greet’ at the prep sites where the children introduced themselves to each other. Then, just before the end of the holidays the buddies met again for a catch up and a chance for the older pupils to allay any worries about the new term.  The friendships forged have been remarkable and the little ones cannot wait to meet their buddies at breaktime. Head of Broomwood Prep – Girls, Louisa McCafferty explained that the programme has been transformative.


‘There’s always a period of adjustment when a new cohort joins at the beginning of the year, but the ‘buddy’ initiative has helped it run incredibly smoothly. Friendships were already blossoming during the holidays, and it was lovely seeing the younger children arrive at Broomwood feeling really excited to see their older buddy. It works for our Year 8 pupils too as it has given them a chance to practise their mentoring skills and develop empathy in caring for a younger friend.”

The friendships between the year groups has enhanced the school experience and laid the groundwork for lasting connections which will continue long after the children have settled into their daily routine.

Broomwood has a distinctive approach to education. All children are educated together in the Pre-Prep from the ages of 3-7. After this (in Year 3) they move seamlessly to Broomwood Girls or Broomwood Boys. This provides an environment where children can develop at their own pace, taking advantage of specialist teaching and pastoral care. Unlike regular single-sex schools, they come together for extension activities in a co-educational setting, taking part in competitions, drama, music and sporting activities.

You can read the article:  ClaphamMums.

Posted: 3rd October 2024
Categories: News

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