School building

We believe in your child 

At Broomwood, we provide an extraordinary education, where each person is valued as an individual, enjoying a proper childhood, full of fun and adventure.

We have a unique approach: boys and girls are educated together in our co-ed Pre-Prep, before moving at the age of seven to Broomwood Boys or Broomwood Girls.  They benefit from a bespoke programme but come together beyond the classroom for co-ed activities, such as academic extension, sport, creative arts and residential trips.  We enjoy some of the best exam results in London, but more importantly our young people move on to senior school as well-rounded, self-confident individuals. The best of both worlds.

In our website you will see something of the huge range of opportunities our children have. We look forward to meeting you and telling you more.

Michael Hodge, Principal


“Academically ambitious, pastorally kind”