children making samosas
students in a play

The UK is internationally recognised for its innovation and contribution to the creative industries.  We take Creative Arts very seriously at Broomwood, as we believe that they provide vital skills which our children are likely to use in the world of work.  Art, dramatic performance, music and cookery all require abilities which contribute to the  development of the individual, from creativity and self-expression to problem-solving, confidence, teamwork and independent thought.

music lesson
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music lesson


‘Music plays a key role in brain development … it helps with the nurturing of language and motor skills; it promotes emotional intelligence and enables our children to feel part of a community…’

All children at Broomwood study music. Besides being a creative and enjoyable activity, it can also be a highly academic and demanding subject. We provide opportunities for our pupils to appreciate a wide variety of musical forms, and to develop skills in listening and appraising their own work and that of other composers. The majority also choose to take individual lessons with professional musicians. They regularly take part in concerts and performances and may participate in a large variety of groups from choirs and ensembles to rock band and music technology classes. Our Visiting Music Specialists offer tuition in Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone, Violin, Viola, Cello, Drum Kit/ Orchestral Percussion and Piano. These can be booked through the school and we will introduce your child to the options available.

To find out more watch our music videos  

Music Tuition

Each Pre-Prep form has music lessons twice a week. Children sing, play musical games, do simple theory, and listen to different types of music and instruments. They have multiple opportunities to perform in front of an audience. Pupils take part in an annual concert; there are bands, orchestras, a number of choirs and an inter-house music competition.  Our older children also take part in musical masterclasses with Broomwood Prep – Boys and Broomwood Prep – Girls.

Girls are introduced to a wide range of musical styles and are given regular opportunities to perform in concerts and on tours. They are also encouraged to explore music theory and general musicianship outside the classroom and take practical exams through ABRSM and Trinity. The school creates performance opportunities for musicians of all levels, ranging from informal music assemblies, Interhouse competitions, weekly choir performances in church, to concerts and serenades, where pupils are encouraged to invite their families and friends.

Broomwood Girls regularly win music scholarships to many prestigious senior schools.

There is a strong musical tradition at Broomwood Prep – Boys. Music is an important part of the curriculum practical music-making is very much to the fore, as is music technology. Many boys have individual tuition at school and are given regular opportunities to perform in concerts, explore music theory and general musicianship outside the classroom and take practical exams through ABRSM, Trinity Guildhall and

There are two choirs and eight separate music ensembles giving boys a multitude of opportunities to try new instruments and express themselves musically. We take every opportunity to play music with others – including shared musical masterclasses, ensembles and evensong with Broomwood Hall and at musical days at senior schools.  Boys sing in our weekly church service and our annual Interhouse music competition as well as performing regularly in musical soirees and musical theatre productions.

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Drama enhances verbal and nonverbal expression of ideas…

Drama and the Performing Arts enable students of every age to express themselves and improves their ability to communicate with others effectively. We want our children at Broomwood to be confident speakers, to learn to work in a team and to develop the ability to listen and observe. Every pupil has one timetabled lesson of drama a week and all children are involved in at least one major production a year.

Drama is an important part of the Broomwood Pre-Prep curriculum, and our children have numerous opportunities to perform. We think the ability to stand up in public and give a good account of yourself is a vital skill. We want our boys and girls to learn how to face an audience, conquering their nerves and working confidently and collaboratively on productions together. Pre-prep children take part in two large shows each year: One the form play which is usually held at our local and the other is a with the year group in the hall. There are also poetry recitals, musical performances, as well as theatre trips, and many other opportunities for children to present to others and to learn how to accept applause and how to think on their feet!

We are ambitious for our boys, and we have a strong theatrical tradition at Broomwood Prep – Boys. The children tackle challenging scripts, performing classics such as Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ and popular musicals and plays such as ‘Oliver’, ‘The Lion King’, ‘Joseph’ and ‘The Wizard of Oz’.  We want everyone to be involved and many of our children enjoy working backstage, learning how to operate the lighting and sound systems, or designing and making props. We also hold regular poetry evenings, debating competitions and presentations. Some of these take place in collaboration with the girls’ prep.

Many boys also take part in the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA) awards and our results are outstanding.  We also have a very strong track record when it comes to drama scholarships and awards to senior schools.

Our children have regular trips to see the backstage workings of theatres as well as seeing West

We have an outstanding track record in Drama and girls regularly win scholarships for their next schools and achieve top marks in LAMDA examinations. Each girl has the opportunity to perform in a large-scale production every year which are varied and ambitious, from musicals to Shakespeare to adaptations of classic stories. Our productions are inclusive and supportive and there are plenty of opportunities for budding thespians to shine as well as plenty of roles for those who prefer a less full-on place in the spotlight. There are also annual reading and poetry competitions with the boys’ prep,  as well as regular plays in our church assemblies.

Pupils’ learning and development is supported through a broad programme of drama enrichment activities. This includes theatre trips, workshops with theatre specialists and trips to senior schools to take part in drama activity days or watch productions.

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Broomwood has a fully equipped on-site Cookery School.  Boys and girls take part in cookery club, where they learn basic techniques, such as using kitchen equipment safely, cooking terms – creaming, binding etc – baking and making pastry.

In Year 6 pupils at Broomwood Prep – Girls have half a year of cookery lessons as part of their DT programme. The following year, they have weekly cookery lessons. The course starts with further instruction in basic skills, before moving on to more advanced techniques and menu-planning.

Delicious treats go home to Year 6 and Year 7 households each week and during the summer term, as part of their assessment, the Year 7 girls prepare a sumptuous three-course dinner for their parents to enjoy at school.

students learning
Art and Design Technology
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students learning

Art and Design Technology

Art and Design Technology stimulate both sides of the brain; they are creative and logical.  They help to develop concentration, increase the capacity for memory, promote imagination and introduce children to new concepts…

Broomwood has a thriving Art and DT department. It operates from large, well-equipped studios and we encourage all children to get stuck in. We want pupils to use their imaginations and experiment with different materials and mediums. We also take them on trips to museums and galleries to give them an understanding of artistic expression within cultural and historical contexts.

All children are involved in Art and DT, which support the thematic learning programme we follow at Broomwood Pre-Prep. By studying art and designs (such as architecture, graphic or product design) of different periods our pupils get a sense of how different people express themselves.  Art and DT also helps with the development of fine motor skills required for writing and special awareness. We give the children the opportunity to experiment with a wide range of media including paints, pastels, model making and printing. They look at both fine art and conceptual art techniques.  In DT they work with construction materials in three dimensions, such as weaving freestanding structures and simple mechanisms.

Every boy benefits from weekly double lessons in Art and DT. They are taught to use various media and their work is regularly entered for national competitions and exhibited in London and, of course, around the school. In addition to external visits, we also run a programme with local artists so that the children can see the way they work and ask questions about the artistic process. Photography, film-making and digital experimentation is also encouraged, and boys collaborate with other departments on various projects. A number of our boys win Art or DT awards to senior schools.

We are very proud of our newly built and fully-equipped studio, and every girl benefits from weekly double lessons. Projects cover a wide variety of styles and techniques looking at developing their skills in drawing, colour, texture, form, pattern and print.

Girls are exposed to a diverse range of artists and this helps them to evaluate, appreciate and be inspired to create their own masterpieces which are regularly entered for national competitions and exhibited in London and around the school. Trips to museums and galleries are regular features as are visits from local artists. Photography, film-making and digital experimentation is also encouraged, and girls collaborate with other departments on various projects.